Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A perfect match....

Today a real estate agent showed my house to a rental client.  I have to be here because there are so many houses for sale that it seems the agency doesn't have enough lock boxes to go around.  It doesn't bother me though because I get to scope out the probable tenants and today I met an amazing woman.

She - we will call her Mary - LOVED the house and was excited just like I was when I first saw it.  The one big difference between us is that she has a 31 year old disabled son that lives with her ... Mary said she had been looking for a place that would give both of them space and her son a sense of his own place and this has both . She was in total awe of the view - even on a foggy day - I could see her mind churning with the ideas of sharing the warmth of the house and the closeness of nature with her son.  I hope she gets the house....she deserves it.

My friend Wendy happened to be here when this was all going on and actually negotiated a deal with Mary so that when I needed a break from urban living I could come back and sit on the deck and take in the view...perfect !  Who knows, I might even have a decorating gig....she was so taken by every piece I have that she might want some decorating help.  Just another excuse to Thrift.  It is all working out !

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